Man, I do have to admit that my new temporary place to live does not give me a good feeling. I haven't felt so lousy in years...
I need to get out of here a.s.a.p. ...
In the mean time I will try to focus on training and try to ignore all the things that make me feel bad here.
Today I did my first training here in Haps. Immediately got reminded of how narrow minded the average villager is.... people didn't even dare to say hello to the strange guy who is training at the fishing pond... people literately took a detour to avoid contact (maybe they are afraid of getting infected with the 'exercise virus', most people here tend to sit all evening, so wouldn't want that). The local fishing youth was also not happy with someone doing exercises at their fishing spot and scaring away the fish... I didn't bother asking why they couldn't walk the 500m from the car-parking to their fishing spot, rather then destroying the pretty nature around the pond by driving their car there... guess it has something to do with the size of their bellies...
That situation gave me a funny thought. People often feel grossed out by bull fighting, but can someone explain me the difference between bull fighting and sports-fishing? Different animal same game if you ask me...
BTW Anyone got a tip on how I can make my father eat more healthy? He seems so addicted to meat that everything he eats needs to contain some animal or else he will not eat it... I really feel sorry for him (and the doctor that will do his bypass soon).