donderdag 30 juli 2015

28th of July : Let's see if we can get started again

Hi All,

Well, these were the laziest weeks I had in years... I gave my knee a lot of rest and did not do any training at all.
Since the last post I have to deal with the fact that my knee swells up each time I start walking and the swelling reduces again when I sit or lie down or cycle.

So this is not really going well, but on the positive side, I have the feeling that each day the swelling becomes less and less and I hope that the end of this mess is nearing. Today I visited the knee surgeon again for a check up, and he is forwarding me to a physiotherapist to guide me further. If the pain stays away and the swelling keeps reducing than it is ok. If not I might need more work on the knee :(. I do have to say that the surgeon was not looking to happy, he is a bit worried that there is still a problem in my knee, but for the moment he still hopes this is just the after effect of the internal bleeding.... so fingers crossed.

Last Tuesday I had enough of it, and I went out to the park during lunch break at work and I just started Qi Gong and Tai Chi training. I did not notice any negative effects on my knee, so I am going to do that again tomorrow. But now it will be getting exiting, cause I want to try to do all, or at least some of my kung fu Taolu on slow paste again for the first time in many weeks.

If that goes well then next week I will start building up the training schedule again. So lets hope so!
