It has been a while but here is my first post of 2017. 2016 was a year with many highs and many lows.
I finally went training in China. In China I have had a super experience, but I also learned about my own negative sides. Before I went to china I got injured, and that put me in a negative mood also in China. Never the less for me it was a great experience and I learned a lot of new things, wouldn't want to have missed it for the world.
When I came back from China I bought a different house. Here me and Nekodo will turn the living room into a dojo so we can do more training and give classes from home. At the end of the year my hip injury got worse and I got a pretty nasty shoulder injury as well. I also started Chinese Martial Arts (CMA) Nijmegen in September. I hope I can share the joy I get from practising Kung Fu. And one they I hope I can make a living (or at least partial) from sharing what I learned through the years. I will not teach a certain style... I hope to be able to coach my members to have a mind set to start investigating, feeling and playing with the things they do and adapt it to their needs, rather then just copying moves...
In December I decided to almost do no (or only low intensity) training to give my body a rest... For my shoulder this helped, my hip pain got worse though. Since last week I started training more intensely again. The hip pain dropped a little, but I immediately overloaded my shoulder again. So coming weeks I will do more intense training but will not load my shoulder to badly.
I just got notice last week from Bart, who I trained with in China. He is starting with his own school here in the Netherlands and I am going to take classes from him. He has been trained by Master Hu for years already and I can learn a great deal from him, so I am really exited to start there.
Coming year I will also start expanding the things I do with CMA. I will start sharing my experiences in Qi Gong which helped me a lot keeping my body flexible mind focussed especially during the peaks of my injuries. Just like my Kung Fu training, also in Qi Gong I will not stick to 'ancient' methods or 'proven' books and theories... I will share what I experienced to be beneficial and how I use Qi gong to help myself. If you are interested in training with me than let me know!
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