woensdag 27 januari 2016

Lots going on!


Hi All, hope your doing well,

It's been a long time since I posted something here. That's because lots has been going on lately.
Exiting news: I sold my house! And I am very busy with finding a new place to live.
(if you know a good cheap place in/around Nijmegen where I can live with my girl and my dog, let me know!) I am also trying to find a piece of land where I can build my own house (with room for my own training place, don't know the Chinese word or that sorry).
More exiting news: I also got news that our dear master Shi Heng Jin is back in Belgium and hopes to start teaching again soon. Can't wait for that!

Even more exiting news... :) :) :)  I just send out an application form to a traditional Shaolin Wu Shu school in China! If they permit me to come then I will go training in China for a full month in May!

In the mean time I have been training of course. Although I do have to admit that due to all my time spend on a new house and such, I haven't been training as much as I would like to, but that will start again very soon as soon as I moved over to a new place.

The training sessions at Kung Tao are getting tougher by the week :) . The intensity is being pushed up, which I really like, and I can feel my stamina and strength going up along with it.

So looks like a good start of 2016.


woensdag 6 januari 2016

Happy new year! Gong Xi Fa Cai! 恭禧发财 !

I hope you all had a beautiful ending of 2015 and an even more beautiful start of 2016.
This year is  going to be a year full of new exiting opportunities!

For me: I will sell my house to start a new adventure with the love of my life who has been by my side for the past 18 years. What exactly we will do is not yet clear, it will be whatever cool thing will end up on our path. Maybe we'll build our own (very special) house, or re-build an old farm, may be we'll travel the world for a bit. I hope that I will be able to do something new in my professional life, and I hope to combine my professional life with Kung Fu a little, but more on that in the coming year. I hope I can fix all the problems on my car which I have been neglecting due to financial reasons last year. And of course for sure I will train more then I did last year.

Past year was filled with injuries for me... my lower back took me out for a couple of weeks, a knee injury took me out for a couple of weeks, knee surgery took me out for a couple of weeks and a bruised rib caused some problems in the last couple of weeks of 2015. Never the less I have been training what- and whenever I could. When my knee was busted I trained sword skills and arm strength, when my lower back was busted I trained Wing Chun techniques, arms and legs, and even after knee surgery I just missed one or 2 classes of Kung Fu, I was back in roughly 2 weeks, 4 days after surgery I already very carefully joined Tai Chi class. I do have to admit that also I sometimes skipped  lunch break practice every now and then or I took it a bit more easy then I could have, and I think that is OK as long as you recognize it and feel shitty about it , because that means you have the right mindset, but still have to work on the right attitude. But I think I did prove that there basically are almost NO EXCUSES for not taking care of your body and mind. It is a mere matter of mindset and attitude!

Anyway, I feel very exited about 2016, I hope you all can deal with all the negativity that is going on the world at the moment and turn it in a beautiful year, I will surely do so!

Best wishes to you all from Neko, Ringo, my little nephew and myself!