- Weight: 78.6kg
- Training location : Malden Gym
- Duration: 1h30m
- Intensity:Moderate
Sorry, I forgot to post an update yesterday...
My knee is getting worse since yesterday :(. It feels like something is pushing against the posterior cruciate ligament. So I have been taking it easy a bit. Walking is also a bit harder now. It also feels like my calf on the left leg is getting short and stressed.. I did join the Tai Ji class yesterday evening but it did not go so well. Couldn't focus.
This evening I did Kung Fu training. Next week is the last class of this season, and since Tuesday is surgery day, I guess today was my last class. (I still hope I can walk and do stretching and qi gong next friday, but the odds on that are fairly slim.
Tomorrow is my birthday, which I never really celebrate since I get a day older everyday, so I don't see the point.... I don't even like getting older, so why would I celebrate such an event, strange habbits we humans have...
Since it is my birthday, I will go to Tai Ji class :) I just love kung fu so why not practice on my birthday :)
I think this is my last post for the coming days. Since I want to give my leg some rest before the operation. I'll do some stretching and such, but I will not go for intense training until next week is over...
So hope to see you back here next week!