Small update.
My knee was doing very well last week. On Saterday I was able to walk without limping, and I even joined Tai Ji class (I felt I had to since it was my last class). And that went all just fine. Yesterday (Sunday) however, something went wrong. I visited my parents house and drove by car to the village that they live in. I was allowed to drive (doctors advice) when I was able to walk en bend my knee pain free again, so that didn't seem to be a problem. When I got out of the car on the way back home however, my knee didn't feel right. And I was feeling pain when I stood on it. This pain got really severe when I got home, and I needed to take pain medication again. This time I also took the 'heavy' pills, which I didn't need after the surgery, that's how intense the pain was (and now still is).
My knee got all swollen and I cannot bend or stretch is now. So I think I will be confined to bed for a couple of days.
Hope I can walk again soon.