- Weight: 78.7kg
- Training location: Gymzaal Uranus straat
- Duration: 1h20m
- Intensity: Moderate
No training yesterday. I visited the hospital instead :(
They made X-rays of my knee, and I got my knee checked by the specialist (knee surgeon). He clearly noticed some pain points but could not conclude what it was. The pictures did not show signs of a cracked meniscus. So today I had to visit the hospital again for an MRI scan of my knee. Coming Monday I have to go back to the hospital to get the diagnose based on the MRI research and to determine a treatment plan.
For now there are still 3 options:
- No help possible, then I have to wait till the pain goes away.
- Probe surgery (in case of meniscus damage)
- Open surgery in case of problems with the ligaments.
My knee hurt a little more then yesterday, due to some nasty hyper extensions that the doctor made me do. But never the less I went for training this evening.
I start to feel better and better what I can and cannot do. As long as my knee is pointing in the same line as my toe I can do almost anything... which is strange cause I am still limping when I try to walk normally.
Any way, after the warm up we trained Tao lu this evening. We did:
- Wu Bu Quan (We always do this as first form)
- Lian Huan Quan (Which is starting to look good)
- Tong Bei Quan
- Weapon forms
For now I wish you all a very good evening!