- Weight: 80.4KG
- Heart-rate
- not measured
- Location: Goffert park
- Duration: 1h
- Intensity: Moderate
Well, eventually I did, else I wouldn't have anything to write here :)
I did a nice, medium intensity workout during lunch break, after which I was feeling much better again. I also did some Da mo jian practice, but with a stick I found in the park, because I didn't have a sword with me. So I guess it was Da mo gun practice ;)
Todays routine:
- Lunch break: (all exercises with 1kg weights on the wrists)
- Running 2 km
- Fitness routine:
3 sets
- Push ups (15x per set, elbows close to body for triceps isolation)
- Squat (50x per set, legs close together, better for the tendons in the knees)
- Sit ups (straight)(30x per set)
- Sit ups (side) (20x per side per set)
- Running again 1.5km
- 1 minute breathing brake
- Wing Chun + Shaolin Tao Lu
- First did a set of wing chun moves, that I practice regularly, just for some self defense purposes.
- Then practiced Da mo jian (Gun :P )
- Stretching