woensdag 20 mei 2015

20th of May: Wednesday 'gift day'

Todays stats: 
  • Weight:not measured
  • Heart-rate: not measured
  • Location : Home
  • Duration : 1h
  • Intensity : Medium

Today was a special day. First I had an important meeting early in the morning, I really really hope that works out (cannot say more for now....).
After that I went to work and things didn't seem to go as planned. First I forgot to buy lunch before going to work... so when I arrived at the office I could turn around and do some shopping first. Then when I arrived at work AGAIN, I found out I forgot my access-badge. So again I turned around and went home to get my badge. By now it was almost lunch time, so I decided to lunch at home. So no time for lunch break sports today unfortunately. Never the less, I got cheered up, cause at home my new headphones, on which I listen to nice Chinese relaxing music during sports, arrived in the mail. And...... the gift I bought for my girlfriend and best buddy also arrived.

The rest of the day went as planned.

In the evening I did an hours of practice, and of course I had to test the gift I gave my girl (see video's below :) ). It was a fun hour of training, with Shaolin punch practice, (Wing chun) shifting and stepping practice, and some wing chun application play :)

(PS. I call it Wing Chun, but since I suck at wing chun it most likely is VERY BAD wing chun....., see introduction story of this blog for more explanation)

Shaolin punch (and stance) practice:

Practicing stance and punch shifting application.
Start in Ma Bu. Punch when going to Gong Bu and another punch when going back to Ma Bu.

Wing chun application play:
An (imaginairy) punch comes in (Opponents left hand, e.g. a left jab), which gets blocked with a Bong Sau. Then I take over/control the incoming arm with my left hand. My right arm rolls over the opponents arm (which I still control with my left hand) and the right arm goes out for a throat slash/jab.
On the bong sau I shift weight to the right.. on the throat slash I shift back to goat stance to generate more force in the punch...