- Weight: 80.1KG
- Heart-rate
- In the morning: 71 bpm
- When starting workout: 86 bpm
- After warm up: 110 bpm
- Max: 183 bpm
- Recovery time: (max bpm, to active-rest bpm) ~ 1 minute https://connect.garmin.com/activity/774266134
- Location: Kopse hof Nijmegen oost
- Duration: 2h45m
- Intensity: High for the exercise part (20 minutes), low/moderate for the rest...
So today was going deep day! Since it is a national holiday was a perfect day to do so...
Unfortunately, although I gave it my all, I did not feel I pushed myself to the limit.
In the past I cycled up hill on full power to test my max heart-rate, which meant just push further and further,... with todays exercises though my legs (joints) stop working properly before I can give my max... I guess there is also to little continues motion in these compared to cycling to keep the heart pumping.
So next week I'll grab my bike and try again... (a couple of years ago my max ws 206 bpm! Should be getting close to 200 at least).
Today I trained @ het kopse hof in Nijmegen oost.
Training routine(s):
- Warm up (running + stretching)
- Shaoletics routine (going deep with Ji ben gong)
- Round 1: 30 repetitions of all exercises
- Round 2: 20 repetitions of all exercises
- Round 3: 10 reps...
- Round 4: 6 reps...
- Front flex kick (Zheng ti tui)
- Bicycle sit-ups (Situps in Carls style, a.k.a. killing style)
- Side flex kick (Ce ti tui)
- Ma bu - block / Gong bu punch stepping
- Outside crescent kick (Wai bai tui)
- Taolu practice
- Zhao yang quan
- Tai zu chuan quan
- Xiao hong quan
- Yin shou gun
- Zhen shan gun
- Da mo jian