- Weight: 78.2KG
- Heart-rate: not measured
- Location 1: Goffert park
- Duration 1: 1h15m
- Intensity 1: High
- Location 2: Exercise Body & Mind Nijmegen
- Duration 2: 1h
- Intensity 2: Low
Turned out my bad feeling was just a bad mood, and I was feeling just fine after I cycled to work. I finally finished a data analysis that I've been working on for weeks now, and I presented it today to our design team. It took a bit longer then expected, but although it was late already I just felled like I had to get out and move after that presentation. So at 13.00h I went to the park for a nice workout.
I didn't plan what I was going to do today, but since I will had a relaxing Tai Chi practice after work in the planning I decided to do a high intensity workout during the lunch session today.
After the workout, and since I had a relatively quite day at work up ahead, I decided to stay and relax in the park a little longer. So I sat down at the little pond in the park and stared into the trees for a while...
My friend the bunny appeared again, and this time he brought some friends :)
Tomorrow I will take my phone along, so I can make a picture because I guess you must be thinking I am getting crazy :P
In the evening it was time to do some Tai Chi togehter with my hunny bunny (Katja that is....., not the Goffert park bunny, I am not crazy remember)
- Lunch break (all exercises done with 0.5kg weights on ankles and wrists):
- 2km run (Tried to run a bit faster then normally)
- 'Shaoletics' exercise session. This means repeating the below routine first 30 repetitions, then 20 repetitions, then 10 repetitions, then 5 repetitions. All in one go as fast as possible without any breaks
- Ma bu followed by Zheng ti tui (front flex kick) followed by a Ma Bu / Gong bu + punch (with the non-punching arm next to the head, like in Lian huan quan)
Punching arm and kicking leg switch with each repetition - straight crunches
- side crunches
(half of the reps on one side, other half on the other side, one extra rep on the un-even counts) - Ma bu / Gong bu punches. One arm punches on the gong bu, the other on the ma bu
(half of the reps facing left, other half facing right) - 1.5km run (again, as fast as possible and without break after shaoletics)
- 1 minute breathing break (and I needed it!)
- Da mo jian practice, but without a sword... just trying to get the moves in my system
- Stretching (Shi Yan Ming method with some additional 'Yoga' alike hip opening exercises)
- Walk back to work with a nice break to visit my friend the bunny.
- Evening
- Stretching (before class)
- Breathing exercises
- Tai Chi 'Clemens' style (Yang simplified 24, A secret Pack Mei Pai form, A chen style form. And a yang style jian form, al very much shaped with Clemens personal touch)
Hope to see you tomorrow!