dinsdag 19 mei 2015

19th of May: Tuesday

Todays stats: 
  • Weight: 79.8KG 
  • Heart-rate: not measured
  • Location 1: Goffert park
  • Duration 1: 1h
  • Intensity 1: Low
  • Location 2: Gymzaal Uranus straat
  • Duration 2: 1.5h
  • Intensity 2: Moderate/High
Normal working Tuesday. Weather was crappy lot's of rain today. Did Qi gong in the park today, which was quite funny....
Had my headphones on and my eyes almost closed, and I was practicing in almost meditative state... until I realized my 'karate friend' from the city gardening services was there again... apparently he, and his crew were watching me and he was already talking to me for 5 minutes (but he didn't notice my headphones...). I do need to find a place with less people to train in the rain, this was too distracting. Unfortunately I did not see back the bunny that visited me yesterday, probably it was hiding for the rain.

In the evening we did our Tuesday evening training as usual, but I cranked up the speed and power during Ji Ben Gong and Tao Lu practice today, now just try to keep that up.......
  • Lunch break: 
    • Walk to the park
    • 20 minutes of stretching and flexing
    • 20 minutes of stance practice (Ma bu, Gong bu, Xie bu, Pu Bu, Xu(e) bu)
      Hold stances deep and firm for 5 breaths
    • Qi gong exercises
    • Walk back to work
  • Evening (open training Kung Tao):
    • Warm up + stretches (Shi Yan Ming method with some of Sam's extra exercises)
    • Ji Ben Gong 
    • Tao Lu (Wu Bu Quan, Lian Huan Quan, and the rest of the training Da Mo Jian)
Had a nice salad for lunch for the past 2 days..., coming days I'll be having delicious yogurt with fruit for lunch again!
If the weather stays like this I think I will also get some more soup like in the colder periods I think, just because it is brrrrrrrr..... in the park now.