dinsdag 22 september 2015

22nd of September: Working hard


Today I had to visit the physical therapist again. This time he really made me sweat. Did a power workout of half an hour. He wanted to make my muscles tired before evaluating how well I did the exercises he gave me 2 weeks ago...
The fun thing was he looked a bit amazed about my progress... Actually he thinks I progressed so much that I can start running again :). For the coming weeks I still have to do the strengthening exercises and I can start adding an interval scheme of running to it. If that goes well then in 2 weeks I will have my last session with him :)

That's some good news finally!
Training hard early in the morning has as advantage that you are really awake and have a clear head after that. Therefore I really made some great progress today on some research that I currently am doing for work.
In the evening I still felt energized and we luckily we had Kung Fu training planned as usual on Tuesday evening. This morning I thought that I would take it easy in the evening but of course that didn't happen. Just trained at full intensity (as far as the knee allows of course) :)

I hope tomorrow will also be such a great day :)
